
So after I helped K to update her blog template tonight, by chance I clicked on my StatCounter. Now understand, I don't usually check on my stats. Sure, I like to see the little number in my sidebar increment "oh so slowly", but I don't obsess over it. At least not like, ahem, K, ahem.

Seriously, she's obsessed. Just about every 3 days, we have a conversation that goes like:

Her: chuckle... chuckle some more... chuckle even more, breaking out into a full laugh that now requires me to divert attention from my reading or computer work.
Me: What's so funny?
Her: Somebody searched for "slut wife text message" (oh yes, that was a real search term) to get to my blog.
Me: shaking my head in bemused confusion & returning to my work.

So I rarely go to my StatCounter details. I like knowing that people are getting something out of my blog, but I don't care that I have a random consistent reader in Slovenia. Another truth for K's blog. Can you tell I'm shaking my head?

Anyway, I checked it tonight, and I about shit myself. Just yesterday, I've had 47 unique visitors. Which for me, is a lot. And it's been growing from its usual 10-20 per day (usually 10), since Monday or Tuesday. Seeing this new value, I dug further, and found to my amazement that I had been linked from a prominent site on Apparently, Gay Life covers all sorts of topics that relate to the growing, or more aware, GLBT community. Within the many informative articles, the Best Bisexual Blogs are covered, and somehow I was listed as number 1.

I should point out here though, that as much as I'm flattered by the mention, I don't know that I'm worthy of the attention. I'm only one voice in a vast sea of blogging talent. Just check out the links in my "Inspiration" or "Blogs of Note" sections in the sidebar, to get an idea of how many others are adding their messages, and talking so much more truth that I'm still desperately searching for. I'm still in the beginning stages of my journey, and most days, I find it difficult to speak of.

So I have no idea how I ended up featured among these other truly great writers, but I feel deeply honored. And a bit troubled as well. I mean, don't get me wrong. I owe Ramon Johnson a hearty thank you for putting me on the bisexual blogging map like no other. But that also means that apparently, I won't be able to just hide behind my fears & post at random anymore. It looks like I might have a whole new host of readers, clamoring for attention, and new content. So, yes, my devoted fans, and new eyeballs alike, I will be posting more.

Fortunately, I had decided earlier this weekend that I'm done with hiding. I have too much I've been thinking about & dealing with to not share, even with myself. For I know that at the end of this journey, wherever it might lead, I'll want to look back, and know just where I started.

And hopefully, I'll have enjoyed the journey.


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