Site Layout - Part Deux...

If you haven't figured it out already, I'm a computer geek. I like to tweak, twist & nibble... on... um... well, you get the picture, on sites & technology. I'm sure you've already seen some changes & adjustments, and you can be assured that there will be more.

And even more "honesty" awaits as well. After having some great chats this weekend on IM & e-mail, I have these fresh thoughts that I need to get out of my head. Have a Happy Halloween, and I'll talk to you soon.


raven said…
The best thing about blogging is that you can just pour out what you're thinking. It's highly cathertic (sp?) and since it's not just a personal journal there are others who can read then challenge, agree, offer additional insight. It's one of the best things I've done. I wish I had started earlier.
Becca said…

I'd be happy to help out. Let me check out your layout today, and see what suggestions I can offer.

And yes, you should be able to add an animated graphic (GIF), and you'd be surprised what can be done in this "basic html template". :)

As a side note, the links located in my "Inspiration" section, are currently part of Spurl, and that way I won't need to modify the template manually when I add a new item. Plus, I anticipate using this for other sections.
[If you don't know what I'm talking about, it's basically a dynamic blogroll system, so it updates when I add an item... automagically.]

I'll chat with you soon, Emerald!
Becca said…
Well, just let me know if you need any assistance, and after looking at your template, it does seem feasible to spice it up a bit. Enjoy!
Becca said…
LOL I'm alright. Mostly, I'm just good at investigating/researching, and then using the tried & true... trial and error.

Glad you like it, and we can definitely figure out something for your site. Have a good afternoon.

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