Rum & Things to Come

So, you may ask, where the fuck have I been?

Well, I've been here, but at a point in time that is so absolutely chaotic & crazy that I barely have time to enjoy the little sleep I'm able to get. Let alone feel like I'm getting enough done to feel "productive". In the last 2 evenings, I've averaged, averaged, 4 1/4 hours of sleep.

Healthy? No.
Desired? Fuck NO!
occurred? *sigh* Yes.

Some of you may know, or some of you don't. I have a regular job, like the majority of us, that pays the bills and keeps things running in the life of my family. But I'm also a consultant. A computer consultant, with a bit of programming thrown in. But sadly, the part that I love to get my hands in, programming, becomes a bit lost in the minutiae of other tasks in consulting.

Regardless, I've had 3 projects in such a state of priority, that sleep has become a rare commodity, and in the last few weeks, if I'm not working, I tend to feel guilty.

So even this, this pleasure of giving myself unto the world, albeit electronically, is a gift of my time.

Please note that I do have some very heavy & involved posts in the works. My fears surface when I begin writing & editing them. And as you've gathered, the fears arise because I'm digging very close to my true reality. My core of feeling.

Please be patient.

P.S. As I sit here drinking my Coke & Malibu, I felt compelled to type something. What can I say? Rum loosens my lips fingers.


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