P.M. Dawn - I'd Die Without You

I'm not sure how varied your music tastes are, but mine cover a lot of ground. Sort of.
Anyhow, I've had this CD for years, after I heard this group in high school. And something about this song is hypnotic and evocative. In college, I'd put this song and Looking Through Patient Eyes (same album) on repeat in my dorm room, turn it low and let it play while I slept. Sure, I was depressed at times, and sometimes it was just comforting. Like a lover stroking your back, or running their fingers through your hair.
So I bring this up because I'm listening to my LAUNCHcast station, and this comes on. Maybe it's all that I've been reading lately and feeling connected to many of you & your lives, or it's just that things are tough right now. But I'd love to just go home, curl up in bed, and cry myself to sleep.
I have so much going on with consulting, work, and feeling a bit disconnected from my wife (she's been fighting a cold for the last week) that I don't always know which way is up. I get to the point that I'm so overloaded with what I have to do, that I get immobilized and do nothing. Like now, I should have been working on a web page script for the last few hours, and I just don't have the energy to even try.
But now that I've written this, I'm going to cut into it, and get it done. And I'm sure that after about 30 minutes, I'll get totally absorbed & rock it out. But now, I just feel alone... and tired.