w.bloggar - Amazing Blog Tool

Last week, when I was researching some Blogger hacks, I found this software. Like all new software that I check out, I'm always skeptical. That's mostly because I refer to myself as an "interface whore". I want my software to not only run well, but to make my experience using it intuitive... even *gasp* fun.
I'm glad to say that after only using this for 2 days, I think it's incredible. Mostly, I just love the large screen in which to modify my template, and the way that it color codes the HTML for me. You can even save posts that you're working on locally to .POST files. Sure, it's not a "draft" on the web to be edited from anywhere, but I'm willing to bet that most of us use only one computer for most of our posts, in rare circumstances, maybe two *raising hand*. But a very useful feature if you can't rely on the internet connection to stay alive.
It also has the ability to store multiple "profiles" for all of one's different blogs. I personally will find this very useful since I have this blog, one for my consultancy, planning another for posting family photos, and another for our entire extended family to stay in touch. Being able to switch minds & posts easily will become critical. (At some point, I'll have to post on how much I like to plan things, but the reality & follow through can be lacking. Best laid plans...)
Oh... before I forget, this is also a great way of keeping a backup of your entire blog, without having to deal with e-mailing the posts to yourself, etc. Being a computer nerd, I still believe in backups to e-mail, but it's also nice knowing that I could move my blog & all of it's posts in a matter of minutes.
So, if you're looking to use something with a bit more power, but mostly with helpful enhancements over the web forms of Blogger, you should try this out. Good luck!