Firefox Hates My CSS

Alright... well, I'm slightly pissed. I spent tons of time on Friday, which I'll admit was quite fun, messing around with the styles in my blog to make that really cool effect around my photos. Only to find tonight, that it looks great in Internet Exploder, but like total crap in Firefox. So now, I need to go back to the drawing board to figure out what went wrong.

[For those of you that use Firefox exclusively, I had made the effect around a photo to be a kinda wide grey border (working), with a slightly thinner black border surrounding the grey. Like my own special matting done on framed photos. But, as you can see, it's doing the grey perfectly, and the black is... well, smooshed. *sigh* If anyone has an idea on how to fix this, I'm all ears.]

Never fear, I'll resolve this soon. I hope.


Becca said…
So... it's better, but worse at the same time. It looks better in Firefox, and now about the same in IE.

Pretty soon, I'm hoping to find the right combination of HTML tags to make this look right.

I'll keep tinkering.

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